miniatures painting wargaming

It’s VAP week

Last week York was inundated with cameras as its annual flood season reached its peak.

Anyway if in doubt get a coffee. You can view Irregular Miniatures figures in the gifts section at the Alma cafe on copper gate

And Irregular Miniatures will be at VAP on the racecourse site so here are some of my buys over the last few years.

Austrian ww1 infantry repainted as 1850 danish
Ww1 Austrians repainted as 1864 danish
British colonial infantry repainted as 1848 danish
British colonial infantry repainted as 1848 Tuscany troops
1859 range Straight painted garibaldini for 1848
Their 1848 French opponents stolen from the 1859 Neapolitan range

I use the 20mm ranges with extra washer bases to compliment my plastics which are typically 2mm taller.

Last but not least danish artillery for 1848 although the piece is suspiciously looking a later rifled version – based up these 20mm chaps have no problem with their plastic cousins

The last photo also shows one of my entries into AHPC14!