wargame shows wargaming

Forward with Fiasco 2021

After almost 2 years absence, wargame shows once again became a reality and I was pleased to have visited Leeds Wargames Club’s show at the Royal Armouries in Leeds.

Fiasco sponsors Sue Ryder Charity and the Soldiers Charity – the Army’s National Charity as well as Models for Heroes and the Battlefields Trust.

Hicks Hall was again the venue with a reduced trader and gaming footprint which made circulation easier.

I felt people had come to buy, people came with a purpose – to trade. And to meet fellow gamers, talk, discuss, game and well – enjoy themselves!

This is the first show I have attended since Recon 2019 almost 2 years ago.

Mask wearing was evident as was no mask wearing, but numbers were down so crowding and congestion were not an issue.

Notable for me, were two games right at the entrance, The Battle of Stoke Field 1487 and The Italian Wars.

The Italian Wars was a great spectacle with colourful 15/16th century pike, arquebusiers and mailed knights not to mention artillery, bills, swordsmen and many flags by Petes Flags.

Bradford Battletech Battalion caught my eye as their hex game with these recent (2019ish!) kickstarter plastics robot warriors looked quite enticing even for someone like me, that normally struggles for gaming interest after Napoleon has hit the buffers. I say normally because today most of my purchases were World War Two themed!

On the The Italian Wars table the buildings are made in west yorkshire but I forget the name……….the Yarkshire Gamer knows and has probably mentioned them in his podcasts

A recent Yarkshire Gamers podcast about the Italian Wars.

And the Winner is…….

I did not get the name of the demonstrator at Breese and Hudson but I am guessing he was either Mr Breese or Mr Hudson of Mansfield or more specifically Radcliffe on Trent. He was lucid and measured in explaining Stoke Field, while being clearly very enthusiastic and showing his enduring interest in the battle. In fact absolutely everything you could wish for from a demonstrator when just strolling up to a demo game that catches your eye.

The rules they played to were never mind the billhooks expanded, and yes I forget to get a photo, but given it was 1487 you can guess the Wars of the Roses picture or rather can you?

Stoke Field is an outlier battle of the wars with King Henry VII already in power. The battle itself involves significantly, Irish soldiers as well as European mercenaries – notably pike. Like many interesting campaigns this battle ended quickly but that is no barrier to the gamer. Makes a change from Barnet, Tewkesbury and Towton.

So Stoke Field and Messrs Breese and Hudson win my vote as top show stand!

I hope to return to an invigorated Fiasco in 2022

In my next post I consider my purchases……